SaveAGram Featured Village: Rampur, Garhwal
In our pilot effort launching May 2014, we selected the tranquil village of Rampur, a few hours up from Rishikesh and a longer drive away from Dehradun or Delhi. Location was not the only deciding factor, though being close enough for a weekend getaway from the crowded Capital certainly has its perks.
We chose Rampur mainly because Rampur chose us- its scenic views made us forget Instagram filters, its organic food selection made us gasp at WholeFoods prices, its adorable children speaking perfect English made us revisit our assumptions and most of all, its very real problems brought on by the floods made us forget our #firstworldproblems. We were, and remain, beholden to its beauty- so if you'd like to see for yourself, do get in touch with us to arrange your village stay, customized to your whims and fancies, potentially including all/ any of the following wonders:
A typical, atypical 2D/2N Village Stay entails:
Day 1:
Getting in: Early morning departure from Delhi/ Dehradun: Be it to wake up and greet the sun with Suryanamaskars or hike up a trail to an ancient temple, we'd like to get you into the habit of waking up early by arranging a car+driver to get you safely to Rampur from Delhi/ Dehradun. Keep calm, we'll stop for breakfast on the way- and if you're in a hurry, we can pack it for you to enjoy en route.
Lunch: After you've freshened up and been welcomed to the village like long lost friends, your hosts will prepare a delicious lunch for you using only the freshest ingredients comprising of organic vegetables and grains like Ram Dana unique to the area. Eat with your hosts and savour the hearty, Indian flavours of a lovingly prepared meal.
Afternoon: Resist the urge to nap, instead we would encourage you to take a hike. We mean that politely, with numerous mountain trails to discover with the help of your friendly, local guides, you can get to exploring them at your own pace and feel that mountain air rejuvinate you.
Evening: Enjoy the sunset with a hot cup of tea as the weather cools. Read a book, visit the village school, pick some flowers or just relax until dinner is ready.
Dinner: All those slopes and hills serve as good appetizers, and you will be treated to another meal with your hosts. Don't forget to keep space for dessert!
Day 2:
Morning activity: Remember what we said about early mornings? We meant it. After a healthy breakfast, head out to the nearby rapids to really wake up with some high adrenaline white water rafting. Experienced guides will make sure you're safe and pristine waters will calm your nerves.
Lunch: Head back to the village to enjoy a sumptous meal, that we guarentee will taste even better after your morning on the rapids!
Afternoon: Book a massage with one of our local therapists, visit one of the many ancient Hindu temples in the area or learn about the local community from our resident SaveAGrammer.
Dinner: A farewell feast will be prepared by your hosts, the quantities of which will make sure you get a good night's rest before your departure the next morning.