Meet the People behind SaveAGram
SaveAGram is founded on a desire to preserve the unique lifestyles in villages by opening up this simple yet enriching culture to like-minded travelers who find joy in organic food, natural environments, ancient art forms, and uncluttered, scenic views. The founding team brings together people from Singapore, India, and the US who have a shared vision to make an impact through SaveAGram's unique mission.
Founding Team
With her passion for all things natural and organic, Amala founded SaveAGram to bring an awareness to old and forgotten village lifestyles that benefit from all-natural construction, organic non-GMO produce, ancient, dying cultural forms, and a relaxing pace of life.
She has been joined in her journey by her two lovely partners, Ninita and Sujata, together with whom many hours are spent on moving SaveAGram towards its potential.
Our Creative Support
We at SaveAGram could not do what we are doing without the support of an amazing team. The Gaja location is supported by a team of school teachers who have set up a mission-based school in the mountains to provide quality education.
Ground Support
The Wayanad location is supported by a similar team that runs a tribal school in the area. We have also been blessed by the work done by Vanamali Ashram, which we have leveraged on, for our own ground support teams.
We have been blessed with a group of younger people, who have at different points of our journey come forward to help us with their creative ideas and talent.
Shilpa was Amala's first brainstorming partner and came up with the wonderful name of 'SaveAGram'. She was also the initial creator of our website.
Poorna chips in whenever she can with ideas for the website (which Amala tries to maintain), making brochures, spreading the word on social media, and anything else we might throw at her.
Bhavika never says no - she does anything design-related we ask her to with a cheery smile. She has been the designer of our logo, transforming complex ideas from Poorna and the team into a lovely reality. She has designed all our labels and brochures.
Our Organic Support
We have a team working in the Gaja office weighing, packing and tabulating the produce collected from the farmers. Khilpat Singh is our man on the ground (literally too) handling the main collection and packing
Mohanji our friend and philosopher,
always ready to guide us through tasks with sleeves rolled up!
Everyone on this page except Khilpat is a volunteer, putting in their time and energy completely pro bono and many a time spending money out of pocket
Our families, friends, and above all, our guests, are all a part of the SaveAGram family. Their unwavering support has kept the founding team going . Huge thanks to you all!